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Why Study German at SDSU?

German enhances careers.

Germany is the largest economy in the European Union and the fourth largest worldwide. Knowing German will enhance your employment opportunities in many different fields, including government, business, law, health care, teaching, technology, communications, social services, and marketing in the United States and abroad. German opens up major markets and gives you a competitive edge when applying for attractive positions. It is in demand not only for German-speaking firms abroad and foreign firms in Germany, but also for companies with close economic ties to German-speaking countries.

Take classes entirely in German.

We offer a full immersion experience, whether you are just beginning to learn German with us or come to SDSU as a proficient German speaker. As a result, our classes are small. You will become part of a close group of passionate individuals and develop not only your language skills, but also your understanding of the amazing cultural contributions of German-speaking Europe to literature, philosophy, music, art, theater, and more—from the middle ages to the present day. History will take on new significance as you practice reading historical texts in their original language, dreaming of someday heading to libraries and archives in Europe. Your dreams of studying and living abroad will become that much closer—and when you get there, you’ll be able to communicate and understand the culture in a whole new way.

German is not as hard as you think.

If you speak English, then you already have an advantage when it comes to learning German. Because modern German and modern English both evolved from a common ancestor, the two languages share many similarities in both vocabulary and grammar. If you understand any of this ...

Meine Schwester hat braunes Haar. Sie ist intelligent. Sie studiert Medizin in Berlin. Sie kann gut singen.

... then you already know some German

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The Kafka Project @ SDSU

The Kafka Project is the third official search to recover the last writings of Franz Kafka, working on behalf of the Kafka Estate of London, England. The project is directed by Kathi Diamant.

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